
Airline Seat Utilization By Carrier

Executive Airlines (Domestic) OW

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Executive Airlines (Domestic) NA   Executive Airlines (Latin America) NA

  Date Seats Passengers Utilization
12012 699,062 462,352 66%
22011 2,861,796 1,655,143 58%
32010 2,936,216 1,579,612 54%
42009 2,635,098 1,530,007 58%
52008 1,607,920 959,469 60%
62007 1,434,228 865,022 60%
72006 1,282,858 857,210 67%
82005 1,157,938 740,944 64%
92004 735,298 455,254 62%
102003 796,438 435,555 55%
112002 789,622 473,477 60%
122001 900,880 497,703 55%
132000 1,144,190 593,717 52%
141999 283,036 123,172 44%
Executive Airlines (Domestic) NA Executive Airlines (Domestic) OW Executive Airlines (Latin America) NA

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