
Airline Seat Utilization By Carrier

Executive Airlines (Latin America) NA

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Executive Airlines (Domestic) OW   Executive Airlines (Latin America) OW

  Date Seats Passengers Utilization
11999 1,552,178 954,439 61%
21998 1,640,634 1,032,640 63%
31997 1,392,774 832,419 60%
41996 1,569,243 917,186 58%
51995 1,766,662 957,160 54%
61994 1,159,570 666,351 57%
71993 837,216 512,913 61%
81992 693,461 451,789 65%
91991 410,663 275,264 67%
101990 281,253 178,179 63%
Executive Airlines (Domestic) OW Executive Airlines (Latin America) NA Executive Airlines (Latin America) OW

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