
Airline Seat Utilization By Carrier

Frontier Airlines Inc. (Latin America) F9

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Frontier Airlines Inc. (International) F9   Frontier Flying Service (Domestic) 2F

  Date Seats Passengers Utilization
12024 1,343,246 837,590 62%
22023 3,245,560 2,367,287 73%
32022 4,071,752 3,086,225 76%
42021 2,607,280 1,832,948 70%
52020 960,870 648,669 68%
62019 2,003,730 1,599,119 80%
72018 1,533,334 1,212,432 79%
82017 1,346,740 1,099,090 82%
92016 900,750 760,646 84%
102015 1,064,997 871,882 82%
112014 981,798 819,269 83%
122013 914,532 781,209 85%
132012 904,542 756,832 84%
142011 480,560 403,294 84%
152010 465,948 411,250 88%
162009 420,372 337,198 80%
172008 685,398 558,980 82%
182007 940,692 665,197 71%
Frontier Airlines Inc. (International) F9 Frontier Airlines Inc. (Latin America) F9 Frontier Flying Service (Domestic) 2F

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