
Airline Seat Utilization By Carrier

GoJet Airlines LLC d/b/a United Express (Domestic) G7

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Globespan Airways Limited d/b/a Flyglobespan (International) B4   Grand Airways Inc. (Domestic) QD

  Date Seats Passengers Utilization
12024 1,019,900 855,707 84%
22023 2,271,900 1,857,231 82%
32022 2,645,600 1,961,013 74%
42021 2,995,050 2,400,491 80%
52020 1,995,366 1,212,277 61%
62019 5,772,900 4,621,799 80%
72018 6,586,734 5,256,369 80%
82017 6,755,052 5,311,805 79%
92016 6,191,002 4,804,360 78%
102015 5,661,034 4,383,621 77%
112014 5,551,434 4,298,950 77%
122013 5,521,890 4,314,927 78%
132012 4,309,404 3,493,249 81%
142011 3,065,964 2,494,941 81%
152010 3,399,396 2,670,904 79%
162009 2,740,518 2,114,431 77%
172008 1,995,774 1,494,765 75%
182007 2,018,544 1,534,252 76%
192006 1,587,432 1,218,703 77%
202005 145,464 107,564 74%
Globespan Airways Limited d/b/a Flyglobespan (International) B4 GoJet Airlines LLC d/b/a United Express (Domestic) G7 Grand Airways Inc. (Domestic) QD

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