
Airline Seat Utilization By Carrier

Seaborne Aviation (Domestic) SEB

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Scandinavian Airlines Sys. (International) SK   Seaport Airlines, Inc. (Domestic) K5

  Date Seats Passengers Utilization
12019 385,530 233,736 61%
22018 335,798 226,639 67%
32017 432,159 261,405 60%
42016 477,510 284,777 60%
52015 421,034 240,979 57%
62014 590,739 341,232 58%
72013 461,511 290,725 63%
82012 247,481 175,177 71%
92011 312,704 220,701 71%
102010 306,068 203,300 66%
112009 262,910 171,968 65%
122008 208,650 149,303 72%
132007 209,903 156,130 74%
142006 151,154 117,071 77%
152005 180,941 146,933 81%
162004 223,502 177,362 79%
Scandinavian Airlines Sys. (International) SK Seaborne Aviation (Domestic) SEB Seaport Airlines, Inc. (Domestic) K5

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